
Vibhava (hetu, karana, nimmita) means ‘cause’ of what happens or is happening in life. Bharata has termed it as ‘Vibhava’ and has described its primary purpose as, creating the awareness of the emotions that the creator (Poet/Author) intends to.

With the reference to artistic presentation (creative expression), Vibhava can be inntepreted as, ‘Developing the knowledge or understanding of a specific emotion (mental state) that the creator (Poet/Author) intends to convey through the means and modes of acting.

The Vibhavas are of two types one is ‘Aalambana Vibhava’ and the other is ‘Uddipana Vibhava’. In broader sense, they are the internal and external causes of something. ‘Alambana vibhava’ is source of a particular emotion that determines its nature and ‘Uddipana vibhava’ is the one, which enhances the emotion caused by a stimulant. It has no direct bearing or connection with the cause or consequence and it is not a part of the process but indirectly plays the role of enhancer of a particular emotion borne out of a stimulant. This can be best explained by many literary presentations such as works of Kalidasa or other renowned authors.